李消非 + 郭昭蘭 + 主持人徐文瑞 | 給一個做藝術空間的理由

[ 2011藝術村專案 ]
時間: 10/14(五)7-9pm
[ 2011ArtVillageProject]
Time: Oct. 14 (Fri.) 7-9 pm
Title: Offer us a reason to create an art space
Speaker: Li Xiaofei ,
Discussant: Jau-lan Guo
Host: Manray Hsu
Li Xiaofei is also an experimental artist, whose works pointedly ignore the powerful contemporary Chinese art market and instead looks deeply into the political and spiritual potential of art. He has always been concerned with the problems which go beyond social and cultural differences and confronting individuals universally. He is skilled in employing dialectic and metaphors in his works to imply questions and problems. His works are simple while thought-provoking, containing a sense of humor.
策展人郭昭蘭,目前任於台灣藝術大學美術系兼任副教授,教授現代與當代藝術導論,關注面向涵蓋新媒體藝術以及與視覺文化相關的當代藝術研究。曾策劃《未來的鄉愁》《非典:漂浮於典型之上》《0與1的練習題: 謝宿蓮觀念水墨個展》「CO6前衛文件展」《復音馬賽克》等展覽。
The curator, Jau-Lan Guo, is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Graduate Program in Fine Arts Department of National University of Arts, teaching Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Art. Guo’s research extends to new media art and contemporary art related to visual culture. Her curatorial projects include "Paradise: Under RE-construction," "Polyphonic Mosaic: CO6 Avant-Grande Documenta," "Exercise of 0 and 1," "Anti-type: Floating over the Stereotype," "Nostalgia for Future," and "Somnambulism: Phantasmagoric Fugue."