林怡年 Lin Yi-nian @《城市與河流的交會—竹圍環境藝術節》

林怡年 Lin Yi-nian @《城市與河流的交會—竹圍環境藝術節》
林怡年對於城市作為生活空間感到興趣。這個空間是存在於城市中人際關係狀況,以及構成日常生活的歷史之中。因此,她的作品不以一般物件的方式陳列展現,而是呈現接觸的樣態。為了慶祝Enghien-les-bains的第三次雙年展,她與Alexandra Sa 完成了一艘叫做 Tsa Tsao(野草)的作品,以亞洲式的步伐節奏飄動著,從一個地點移到另一個地點,創造了介於人與地之間可觸知的,非物質化的關係。作品的名稱「小生意」要從commerce(商業、來往)這個字的雙重意義去理解。這艘船是一個移動的商店,也是「語言的轉接點」,一個有意義的通道,語言的通道與不可言說的通道,也是介於陌生者之間交流的通道。
Lin Yi-nian
Lin Yi-nian is interested in the city as a living space, and this space exists in the condition of relations among people, and the history constituting daily life. Her works are not displayed like ordinary objects, but a situation of contact. For the third biennale in Enghien-Les Bains, she created a boat named 'Tsa tsao', meaning wild grass in Chinese, with Alexandra Sa. She created the Asian tempo floating medium that moves from this place to another, something tangible and non-material between the people and the places. The title of the work, 'Small Commerces' is a concept originating from the double meaning of the word 'commerce'. This boat was a floating commerce and a transit of language. It is a meaningful passage, a passage of language and the passage that do not tell, and the language exchanged between strangers.
For Tanshuei, she is proposing guiding tours on the site, from the MRT station to the riverside. Her work has several levels of meanings, and corresponds to the theme of city encountering the river. From the physical presence, the description of the site , she is creating vision, broadening up horizons, combining reality and imagination. In a playful way, she wants to make people to discover, or rediscover, the places, the things in these places, and their past.
Courtesy / 資料刊登允許:Association In Situ, France