Mobile Scapehood – WANG Pei-Hsuan solo Exhibition 6.21-7.19

「膜拜境戶 ─ 王佩瑄個展」
Mobile Scapehood – WANG Pei-Hsuan solo Exhibition
Open hours:Tuesday to Friday 11:00-19:00, Saturday 13:30-21:00
Location:FreeS Art Space (B1, No.82, Sec. 3, Xinsheng N. Rd, Taipei, Taiwan)
Opening:2014.06.21(Sat.) 19:00
Forums:2014.06.28(Sat.) 15:00
Panelists:WANG Pei-Hsuan | Artist , I-Hsuen Chen | Artist , Chao,Shih-chen | Artist
Mobile: ability to move freely.
-scape: a specific type of scene.
-hood: the embodiment of a certain quality based on experience and agency.
“The French philosopher Gaston Bachelard once wrote about what he termed the poetics of space. He believed that what we endow a space with poetically and emotionally is much more important than the physicality of the space itself. Such objective concept as distance here is converted into something meaningful and even story-filled—an imaginative geography made possible."
Having spent my adulthood in between Taiwan and America, I locate myself in this world constantly. A world in which the reaches of imaginative and actual geography had shrunk (Edward Said, Orientalism 1978), more than ever before.
With this project, I seek to situate a contemporary identity of my own based on geography, or more accurately, on the deconstruct of geography. I believe such thing as an assigned “geographical identity” is somewhat arbitrary, defined, and furthermore contestable.
To me, one way to disrupt the cosmos of representations brought upon by imaginative geography (i.e. the West verses the Orient) is through actively adopting and altering the very method of imaginative geography itself, by claiming the agency of one’s undeniable experiences existing in between preconceived borders. It is through this ongoing process of transformation and assertion that personalized mystification and demystification of spaces could be achieved; and similarly, through which an identity genuine to one’s personhood could be fostered.
I turn my diffusely culturized objects and installations into personalized scenes of anonymous rituals. By creating ambiguous and ceremonial sites that come from an intimate, private place, I also make room for establishing with the space new bodily relationships that could become moving and generative to more personalized experiences.
【Artist CV】
WANG Pei-Hsuan
WANG Pei-Hsuan was born in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. She received her BA from Macalester College, MN, USA and her MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art, MI, USA. Her works reflect on the intricate ties between private experiences and the outside world in the face of globalization, and furthermore explore the nuanced relationship between transborder cultural, personal, and geographical identification through installation and object-making.
WANG had collaborated with Chicago-based artist Theaster Gates in developing the Soul Manufacturing Corporation project (2012-), in which notions of labor, craft, exhibition mechanism, and the Black Condition are examined and reinvented through performances, collective “thing-making,” and community participation. Her solo exhibition since her return to Taiwan in 2013 include Closer to Home at Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Formation No.1: On Levitation at BambooCurtain Studio, Taipei, and Mobile Scapehood, upcoming at FreeS Art Space, Taipei.