Nicolas Bralet

Born in 1972 in Perpignan (France), Nicolas Bralet lives and works in Paris and in Bourgogne. Awarded a diploma of the School of Arts of Paris/Cergy in 2005. He continued his studies with the post-diploma to Locus Sonus (search audio-art: in the Art school of Aix-en-Provence and in the Villa Arson in Nice. Nicolas Bralet collaborates for several years with LAAB (Associative Laboratory Arts and Botany: With the artist botanist Sabrina Issa and the software engineer ti the CNRS François-David Collin, they develop the creation: "Sound room for rise of sap". They use via the computing and specific sensor, the indications on the speed of sap. These indications are translated into sound variations. So, they are creating "sing vegetables" according to their metabolism.
From June 6th to 18th, Nicolas was invited to be the residency artist of “artist exchange program” between Bamboo Curtain Studio and Soulangh Artist Villiage in 2016, staying at Bamboo Curtain Studio for two weeks.
Collaborative Organization
蕭壠國際藝術村 Soulangh Artist Village
法國在台協會 La France à Taiwan
Works in residency
"Along the mangrove of the Tamsui river"