魏澤 Ze WEI

ZE WEI bases her art projects on her obsession with the reciprocal effect between the contemporary world and its historical context. She uses images as a tool to develop her perception of historical and social events, trying to answer questions aroused by the global status quo. Her projects revolve around the concept of “national territories / boundaries", such as globalization, human migration, diaspora and differentiation etc.
For example, Ilha Fromosa, her video work in 2014, was inspired by an exile story. Mazargues Anonymous, another project began in 2013, is concerned with a military cemetery for foreign soldiers located in south Marseille. Négraille, a project which was collaborated with and exhibited in Marseille History Museum, explores the gaze across social classes by juxtaposing images of postcards from International Colonial Exhibitions in France and the words of Martinique poet Aimé Césaire.
In late 2013, ZE WEI visited the Department of Graphic Arts of Anadolu University in Turkey for a five-month exchange program with scholarships from the European Union and also from the Marseille Academy of Fine Arts. In late 2014 and again in early 2016, she traveled to Eastern provinces in Turkey and visited Ani, an ancient Armenian capital now in the Turkish territory. From then on, she has been working on Ani, an art project consists of archival research and image creations.
ZE WEI is one of the selected artists as Bamboo Curtain Studio International Residency Program in 2016. She is now looking forward to her two-month residency program at Sàn Art Studio in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from August to October. During her visit there, she will complete her art project Hồ Xuân Hương Biography- Vietnamese Female Intellectuals Images. This program is also one of the selected proposals for Bamboo studio Booboo notebook exchange program in 2015. Via close Investigations into the eighteenth-century Vietnamese poetess Hồ Xuân Hương and her Chu Nom poems, along with visual documents and historical data, Ze WEI attempts to unveil the alternative facets of Vietnamese Women that are absent in the mainstream discourse in Taiwan.
Collaborative Organization
Sàn Art Studio:http://san-art.org/
Works in residency