葉嘉文 Ip Ka Man

Co-artistic Director of Dirks Theatre (Hong Kong and Macau) Ka Man is an actor, director and theatre educator. He holds an MA in Performance Making from Goldsmith’s College, University of London, and a First Class Honors from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. He has since studied with Eugenio Barba, Philip Gaulier, David Glass and Wlodzimierz Staniewski. He has performed and presented his work in several festivals and cities around the world. Ip Ka Manwill stay at Bamboo Curtain Studio for one month since December.
Works in residency
In this city another dream
Four theatre artists from four different cities (Hong Kong, Macau, Seoul, Singapore) come together, meeting in a fifth city (Taipei). Removed from their home cities, but carrying their respective burdens and histories, the challenge of the project is to collectively and collaboratively build an alternative within this new city, which has given them temporary refuge.
What stories do we tell about ourselves? What stories do we not tell about ourselves? What are societies and how do they form? What is culture and how is it generated? When we embed, differentiate and defend our identities do we diminish our common humanity?
The one-month creative residency in December 2016 will culminate in a work in progress presentation. In addition, there will be 3 workshops conducted by the artists in residence.