Polymer DMT

Polymer DMT
(PHOTO: 2017 LUCEO, Photographer: 張震洲)
Polymer DMT is a platform for dance and performance projects initiated by choreographer Fang Yun Lo and producer André Schallenberg. We combine and integrate different art forms, and work with artists from different backgrounds.
Polymer DMT develops art works since 2011 and is located in Essen, Germany as well as in Taichung, Taiwan. Polymer DMT covers a wide range of art forms, bringing together artists from different fields. Polymer DMT works mainly in the field of contemporary dance, but also explores areas such as video art, multimedia, installation and performance theater. A key focus of Polymer DMT is the bridging between Asia and Europe, between Taiwan and Germany. Most productions are therefore produced as international coproduction with theaters and festivals in both countries.
Residency Project intro
2018年聚合舞Polymer DMT 將繼續以跨國共製的創作形式,發展關於身份/身份認同的製作,作品名稱暫定為:UNSOLVED。竹圍工作室駐村計畫是UNSOLVED作品創作發展的第一階段。來自台灣,長期居住於德國埃森的編舞者羅芳芸、旅德(柏林)舞台設計師陳成婷、德國的視覺影像藝術家Hanna Linn Ernst、瑞士的音樂創作藝術家Patrik Zosso 以及台灣的表演者鍾志文共組的團隊,將在竹圍駐村排練的三星期以“身份/成長背景”為主軸,製作團隊的每個人都將扮演著檢視與被檢視的角色,團隊會透過大量的討論,研究,試驗,把各自的“身份”連同所有牽涉到的價值觀,誠實地甚至是殘酷的挖找出來並完整的檢視與重組。並在駐村過程中舉辦workshop,邀請台灣的藝術家和非藝術領域的竹圍居民參與,過程中除了以對談的方式做為作品素材的採集外也希望透過workshop/身體說故事的概念,讓舞蹈/表演藝術更貼近一般群眾。