Sholeh Johnston

Sholeh is a professional creative consultant, coach and producer in the fields of professional development,environmental sustainability, climate change, and cross-cultural communication. Now he is the British talent cultivation platform. The Field Director is active in the UK and internationally. Sholeh has great enthusiasm for helping people use ideas on social issues and achieve their goals through strategies and influential programs. Her guiding methods are based on building strong partnerships, cross-domain cooperation, and training leadership, combining excellent communication skills, induction and team building, detailed discussions, open conversations with confidence, and innovative spirit.
In collaboration with the Taipei International Art Village, Bamboo Curtain Studio and Taipei International Art Village held a workshop on "Creation of Perpetual Awareness" from May 2nd to May 4th, 2018, inviting Sholeh as a lecturer. With the theme of "practical and sustainable development," we will briefly describe the global environmental development and the current state of resource use, and lay the foundation for solving problems for sustainable development, so that participants can grasp the world's current urgent problems. At the same time, taking the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an example, we will connect the participants' practical work and strengthen the sustainable development partnership. Each participant's rotation participation discussed with each other in different groups, exchanged his own practical experience, and he also listened to stimulate more imaginations about "sustainability."