Mike Lombardy

Michael Lombardy is Visual Artist born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, USA with a
multi disciplinary practice primarily combining site specific installation, works on paper,
and upcycled clothing. He has a BFA in Printmaking from The Cleveland Institute of Art
(2015) where he received the Frank N. Wilcox Award for Excellence in Printmaking.
Contact Method
Mikes residency project will involve both a studio practice and actively searching for
collaborations within the arts community and skateboard community of taiwan. It is his
hopes to organize either an exhibition, collaborative clothing project, or event by the end
of my stay.
Collaborative Organization
Works in residency
Michael Lombardy的駐村計劃將會積極尋求台灣藝術社群與滑板社群的合作,期望在駐村結束前於台灣展示其駐村成果、合作計劃與相關活動。他預計先了解台灣當地的滑板社群、版畫藝術空間,以及與宗教信仰相關文化,從中蒐集靈感與尋找創作材料,然後再發展其創作計劃。