Sajata Epps aka(SajaTa-E)

Sajata Epps aka(SajaTa-E)
Sajata Epps aka (SAJATA-E) is a clothing and textile artist using plant dye as her main source of color application. She lives in the South Bronx, NYC where she develops farm spaces for her community members to utilize for arts programming and free produce production. Sajata believes that sustainability is a full life style shift that doesn't just end at smarter art practices. As a zero waste advocate Sajata-E grows her own food as well as her own plant dyes in order to control the amount of waste she produces in her art practice as well as her life.
In 2016 Sajata-E created the Natural Knitting Project. A community arts program that addresses the amount of waste we create as consumers as well as educates her community members in the economic value of their crops. Using simple methods Sajata-E with the collaboration and support of many non-profits in the South Bronx helps members of her community learn about mordants, foraging, and bare bones yarn spinning techniques that can be applied to any garment someone would consider producing. An exhibit book has been written about this project and is currently sold at all major online booksellers. Another book about this project is currently in the works.