Reinaart Vanhoe

For the coming years I want to build up on my research named ‘Also-Space’.
This I want to do by looking into art-practices in mainly the Benelux and South-East Asia. It is important not to give an exotic view on Southeast Asian art practice. It is better to find similarities in practices here in the Benelux and there.
I like to formulate an ecology for what I want to name, a ‘careful art-practice’ and find examples of art- practices which already exist. The network of Bamboo Curtain Studio and how it operates would give me a lot of input and understanding. Next to that I want to develop a visual dictionary derived from ways of working in and around Bamboo Curtain.
I want to get and give insight in how artist arrange their daily and professional production. For example, a befriended couple (woodstone kogelblitz) has decided not to use any diapers for their baby and have to find a way around not using it. That attitude is an essential part of their practice and should not been con- sider as something special, weird nor brave.
In a corporate world, where success, value and productivity is measured on individual success, ‘Western (critical) contemporary art’ has never been so incorporated in that mindset. I believe that the ‘mainstream’ art should be triggered to rearrange it’s vocabulary and ways of production.
By looking at interesting art practices from South East Asia and on the other hand the Benelux, I want to find inspiring insights for younger artist in both places.
I do hope my text is not to hermetic. As we all deal with the issue of time, I wish to find better concentra- tion. At the other hand these residencies are therefor important to have. They are a main tool to make these kind researches better and grounded.