8月15日,陳敬寶在視盟的福利社裡舉辦「雙城紀行」駐村經驗分享會,他分享兩次駐村經驗,一次是在2010年前往日本橫濱黃金町參與當年度的「黃金町藝術節」(Koganecho Bazaar),另一次則是今(2014)年前往美國俄亥俄州克里夫蘭市的經驗。Cleveland Foundation在2012年開始與竹圍工作室合作,由竹圍工作室協助推薦優秀的藝術工作者前往Cleveland駐村,體驗Cleveland特有的城市風貌,也藉此讓不同類型的藝術家進駐當地的藝術單位,激發新的創作。
阿寶此次前往的單位是Cleveland Print Room(CPR),CPR的負責人Shari聽說是個超愛復古老照片的退休家庭主婦,開了CPR之後,就一頭栽進到攝影的世界裡。阿寶在駐村期間,前往當地高中、開設攝影課程。據阿寶說,在這個不起眼的高中校園裡,他居然體驗了睽違已久的彩色相片沖洗機,重新回味沖洗相片的樂趣。由於Cleveland Foundation非常重視藝術教育,駐村期間除了完成自己的創作,他也到Cleveland Institute of Art進行一些講座,與當地的師生互動。
陳敬寶在駐村期間,以「Clevelander」為名,創作了一系列「克里福蘭人」計畫。他拍攝每一個他在克里福蘭所遇到的人,呈現出當地人的特有的面貌與風格。5月22日開幕時,將近有200人來參加,其中也包括作品中的男女主角。令人驚喜的是,兩件戶外作品被University Hospital訂購,未來可以在Cleveland市裡看到阿寶的作品。克里福蘭市今年也舉辦第一屆的短片節(Film Shorts Festival),另外兩位駐村藝術家也參與其中,阿寶希望這樣的活動可以延續下去,成為克里福蘭的重要節慶。
Chin showed off his work to visitors including the Cleveland Foundation's Kathleen Cerveny. (via Cleveland Foundation)
Chin-Pao Chen -Taiwan
Hosted by Cleveland Print Room
Last week, Chin welcomed over 200 visitors to the premiere of his exhibition, (some) Clevelanders. His exhibit was paired with Through the Lens, featuring the work of photography students at NewBridge Cleveland whom Chin has been working with. Five of the NewBridge students' works, created in the Print Room's own darkroom, sold. In addition, two of Chin's outdoor triptychs were purchased by University Hospitals, so Cleveland will be able to enjoy Chin's work in a public setting for years to come! The following Saturday, Chin joined an enthusiastic crowd of over 60 people at the first local Film Shorts Festival. The festival included works by fellow Creative Fusion artists Olivia and Huda. Chin hopes this will become a local tradition.