Suphitchaya Khunchamni (Mind)

Suphitchaya(Mind)出生於1993年,居住在泰國叻丕府的波它欖縣。喜愛繪畫與素描,也喜愛藝文發展工作。Mind在2011年與十二位高中同學成為了第一屆「Tid Silp Bon Ratchaburi」街頭藝術計畫的共同發起人,也讓她決定在大學攻讀藝術史學位。
在2014年,她參與Baan Noorg藝術空間的「Pop Up Museum」當代藝術展,得以調查、研究與分析Baan Noorg所位處之Nongpo社區的傳統生活。這些藝術行動透過研究方法融合了她的學術與藝術能力,在展覽中以共同創作的形式呈現其成果。現正就讀泰國國際藝術大學(Silpakorn University)藝術理論碩士的Mind,對於以社群為基礎之藝術領域發展擁有強烈的企圖心。
Mind於2017年受邀成為竹圍工作室與Baan Noorg藝術空間合作「國際藝術進駐交換計劃」駐村藝術家,將於五月中進駐竹圍工作室。
1. Action practice for thinking to find the way to fix problems. It is a good way to bring many people who have different space, experience come to explain and sharing information together. Bamboo Curtain is a great platform to run or develop the project or organization.
2.During residency, I found the awareness issue and realized that it is important to individual and social development. I learnt some environment topic during the workshop and they let us have the awareness to the environment situation and let us have the thinking to find the process to fix the problem with sustainable idea.
3.From the project by Wu Shu-lun as I visited, I realized that it began from the awareness in art, cultural and environmental. And also at Toucheng there are projects that consider the local people go to work out at their own hometown. That is because it is difficult to find job in hometown then there are association or group that create the activities in community by art , it is alternative activities to impact local awareness between life and space.