Anak Agung Istri Mayun Dewi

Mayun Dewi 1992年生於峇里島的丹帕沙,她的父親是來自克隆孔的當地居民,而其母親來自東爪哇的瑪琅。
Dewi畢業於Bali State of Polytechnic 觀光商業管理學士。求學期間,她參與許多研討會及活動,如「印尼版地獄廚房」及CEVA Conference 2014亞洲高峰會。她進入社會後開始於庫塔的一間高級餐廳Ma Joly Restaurant擔任銷售人員,兩個月後,她被升職為安排大小會議及展覽的窗口,並負責國際活動事務。即便Dewi十分投入原本的工作,她仍保持開放的心去接納任何新的經歷。最近她加入Ketemu Project,一個設計社會互動計劃的創意組織,連結藝術家、文化專業者與當地居民。Dewi從中汲取不同面向的經驗與知識,並於2017年受邀成為竹圍工作室與Ketemu Project合作「國際藝術進駐交換計劃」駐村藝術家,將於五月中進駐竹圍工作室。
本次駐村期間,Dewi將代表Ketemu Project與竹圍工作室進行國際藝術進駐交換計劃,自5月18日起至竹圍工作室駐村一個月,並參與其5月19、20日舉辦之藝術行政工作坊。其將協助台東曙光藝術村創辦人/策展人吳淑倫進行10月於印尼駐村之前置準備,同時也將研究台灣關注社會議題的藝術機構或社會企業,了解其如何營運空間、藝術計劃以及永續發展其理念。
This residency is my first residency experience. A lot of fears and worries was going on my mind on the start but as the first day of residency start, I got a lot of positive energy from the brainstorming workshop that make me more ease and confident. Important thing that I learn is to always be positive, train myself to be more confident and brave to start conversation to have better communication skills and meet more people to have network. It's also giving me the awareness of how big is my responsibilities and reviewing myself on the past. From this residency I got more ideas and understanding about my own work and things that I should do when I go back to my work space. The residency experience also giving me the desire to learn more about management, communications and the art scene in Bali & Indonesia, as a knowledge to make me more confident in meeting new people in this area and also giving me the possibilities to share more about this information to other people.