Sun Son Theatre
August 04, 2015
Sun Son Theatre was founded since 1998 as a unique musical and physical theatre in Taiwan, which explores the fundamental and unlimited strength of the body physical and vocal capacity.
Tan Nan See
June 12, 2015
竹圍工作室2012新秀藝術家之一,作品多以複合媒材呈現。曾於馬來西亞、韓國與中國舉辦多次個展與聯展。2008年於韓國首爾的Changdong National Art Studio駐村。這次於竹圍工作室駐村計畫以食為出發點,主題為「藝術家的心靈食物」,期間將會邀請社區居民參與互動。 藝術家的心靈食譜(Artist's Soul Food Menu) 貼食譜─兒童藝術工作坊後續報導
Suzy Sulaiman
March 29, 2014
Suzy Sulaiman is an educator, researcher and lecturer who has been involved projects focused oncommunity-engagement through education, architecture and digital technology. She was invited to "PROJECT GLOCAL TAIPEI" and resident in Bamboo Curtain Studio.