Veronica Frenning
Residency report from Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taiwan by Veronica Frenning
I spent a month at the Bamboo Curtain Studio (Taiwan) in November 2011. It is located in Zhuwei, New Taipei, surrounded by a mountainous landscape along the Danshui River. Bamboo Curtain Studio (BCS) encourages cross-cultural exchange and can accommodate multiple artists at once. During the time I was in residence, there were other artists working there from Sardinia, Hong Kong, California, and an aboriginal performer from the Ami tribe in Taiwan.
Veronica Frenning
Potter | The U.S. Veronica Frenning received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. She is currently an artist-in-residence at Abrons Arts Center and a Studio Immersion Project (SIP) fellow at Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop in NYC.